Imp Daily prayer
1. Father, Under the Authority of the Blood of JESUS, I send the righteous judgment of God upon (------- -------------). I pray Deuteronomy 30:7, Psalm109 and 140, Isaiah 54:17, on them, and anyone else coming against us, in the name of JESUS Christ. 2.In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the power of his Blood, I take authority over all curses, hexes, spells, voodoo practices, witchcraft assignments, satanic rituals, incantations and evil wishes that have been sent my way or have passed down the generational bloodline. I break their influence over my life by the power of the risen Lord Jesus Christ and His shed Blood, and I command these curses to go back to where they came from and be replaced with a blessing. 3. IN JESUS NAME, and by the power of the blood of Jesus, I REBUKE, BIND UP and DISCARD all the evil and ungodly and unwanted THOUGHTS, ungodly imaginations. The blood of Jesus cleanses my mind from any influence or residue of evil and negative thoughts and imaginat...