Imp Daily prayer

1. Father, Under the Authority of the Blood of JESUS, I send the righteous judgment of God upon (------- -------------). I pray Deuteronomy 30:7, Psalm109 and 140, Isaiah 54:17, on them, and anyone else coming against us, in the name of JESUS Christ. 2.In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the power of his Blood, I take authority over all curses, hexes, spells, voodoo practices, witchcraft assignments, satanic rituals, incantations and evil wishes that have been sent my way or have passed down the generational bloodline. I break their influence over my life by the power of the risen Lord Jesus Christ and His shed Blood, and I command these curses to go back to where they came from and be replaced with a blessing. 3. IN JESUS NAME, and by the power of the blood of Jesus, I REBUKE, BIND UP and DISCARD all the evil and ungodly and unwanted THOUGHTS, ungodly imaginations. The blood of Jesus cleanses my mind from any influence or residue of evil and negative thoughts and imaginations. I have the mind of Christ; I think the thoughts of faith, hope, and victory. 4. In the Name of JESUS, I bind all demons that cause hail, excess heat and cold, lingering domes, fire, earthquakes, tornados, lightning, damaging winds, floods, hurricanes, bad weather of all kinds. Father, I ask you to send your warring angels (Matthew 26:53) into the heavenlies to do battle with these demons, to knock them off their thrones, take their crowns from their heads, and to write on their foreheads that they have been defeated by the Lord JESUS Christ. Father, I ask that you send the warring angels to block these demons from coming into our area, city, state, or county. I ask for warring angels to be placed around our property and home for protection from these demons. In JESUS Name, I cover my property, home, possessions and family in the Blood of JESUS. Amen. 5. I confess all sins before you, according to 1 John 1:9; father, cleanse me from every unrighteousness, purify me today in Jesus’ name. According to Isaiah 54:17; Father, your word said that no weapon formed against me will prosper, I cancelled and destroy all demonic weapon set against me and my household in Jesus’ name. Oh Lord, I plead the blood of Jesus to break every hold and yoke of satanic oppression and manipulations over my life in Jesus’ name. 6. I stand in agreement of faith with you today. By the blood of Jesus Christ, I consecrate and purify every land, property, or possession under your name. May the blood of Jesus consecrate and bless your earthly possessions and stewardships, in Jesus’ name. 7. I take a stand against all negative forces, including opposition, oppression, affliction, infirmities, arguments, conflicts, lies, accusations, misunderstandings, and misinterpretations that may rise against me, my children, my husband, and our marriage. I decree that these forces be consumed by the purifying fire of God and washed away by the cleansing power of the blood of Jesus Christ. Heavenly Father, I rebuke every witchcraft spirit that seeks to cause strife, misunderstanding, and division in my relationships. I cancel every word curse and evil wish spoken over my relationships by agents of darkness. I declare that my relationships are healed and restored by the power of the Holy Spirit. I invite your peace and unity to displace every agent of confusion. Thank you for restoring my relationships to wholeness by the power of the blood of Jesus in Jesus Name. Amen 8. Heavenly Father, I declare every financial loss, bankruptcy, setback, and poverty curse due to witchcraft broken now by the blood of Jesus! I nullify every witchcraft manipulation over my finances, and I release prosperity, abundance and blessing   into my life. Thank you, Lord, for victory in this area! 9. Lord Jesus, surround me, my children and my husband, my finance, my property, my job, my vehicle with the wall of fire of your Holy Spirit. Let your supernatural wall of fire of Holy Spirit, and the precious Blood of Jesus Christ, protect me from every witchcraft backlash and retaliation, from all harm, from all demonic and human attacks. I declare that no weapon formed against me will prosper. The fire of God uproots every demonic verdict, and judgment sent my way in retaliation. I am saved and protected by the power in the blood of Jesus! 10. Lord Jesus, I pray that you wash me, my children, and my husband clean with your precious blood, purifying us from all defilement of body, soul, mind, and spirit. Sanctify us with your living water, restoring our purity and wholeness in you. "By your blood, break every ungodly tie, stronghold, and bondage. Release us from all types of curses, negativity, arguments, evil names, lies, and strongholds. Deliver us from familiar spirits, marine powers, bad habits, bad behaviour, and evil addictions. I pray this in the mighty Name of Jesus Christ. 11. Heavenly Father, I stand on Your promise to restore everything the enemy has stolen from me. By the power of Jesus' name, I reclaim my health, finances, relationships, joy, peace, and destiny that were taken through witchcraft or by Any means through anyone in anyway. I ask that You restore to me sevenfold all that I have lost. Thank You for divine recovery and restoration. Protect me from all satanic harassment, torment, and retaliation. Surround me with Your warring angels and let them guard me. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen. 12. Heavenly Father, I come before You to renounce and dissolve any negative spiritual influences over my life and that of my family. I reject all spells, hexes, voodoo, and occult practices, rendering them powerless and ineffective. I command any spirits associated with this darkness to be bound, having no authority or influence over me. I shield myself and my loved ones with the protective power of Jesus' precious blood, creating an impenetrable hedge of protection. Lord, unleash Your holy fire to consume and destroy every satanic spell and its effects. Send Your mighty angels to guard and protect me from any satanic harassment or retaliation. I declare, in the name of Jesus, that no evil shall prosper against me. You, Lord, are my strong tower and refuge. I trust in Your protection and guidance. Amen. 13. In the name of Jesus, I cover myself in the protective blood of Jesus. I also cover My family, including my children and spouse, my home, property, and all its surroundings, including the trees, My community, Our vehicles, My job and finances, Every challenge and problem with the cleansing and protective blood of Jesus Christ. I draw the blood of Jesus Christ as a boundary of protection around myself, my loved ones, including my children, spouse, and animals, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. 14. In the Name of Jesus Christ, I stand against the spirit of stagnation in any area of my life Demonic delay of my miracles and blessings Wasted years and fruitless efforts Occupying wrong positions and being in wrong relationships Delayed and denied promotions Dark powers, including Jezebel spirits and other forms of witchcraft False prophetic words and controllers Manipulators, soothsayers, sorcerers, and occultic powers Freemasonry and other secret societies Immorality, idolatry, and cord of sin False accusations, shame, trauma, blasphemy, and pride Rebellion, selfishness, corruption, slander, and character assassination Lust, perversion, fornication, and whoredom I command these forces to be broken and cast out of my life in the Name of Jesus Christ, by the power of the blood of Jesus Christ, by the fire of God in Jesus Name. Amen 15. I stand against the forces of darkness, with the powerful blood of Jesus Christ and the fire of God. I resist and reject: All Fear, confusion, double-mindedness, anger, despair, hatred, restlessness, agitation Infirmities, affliction, oppression, and all forms of suffering Legalism, irritability, people-pleasing, tradition, and false doctrine Mammon, low self-esteem, poverty, depression, rejection, unbelief, stubbornness Every thought and idea that opposes Jesus Christ Demonic spirits and attacks, self-pity, superiority complex, worldly thinking Clouds of confusion, strongholds of uncontrollable thoughts, and evil imaginations Remote control over my thoughts, carnal imaginations, wicked imaginations Envy, deception, violence, greed, laziness, bitterness, arrogance Mind darkness, forgetfulness, mind dullness, condemnation Wild, uncontrollable, and unclean thoughts in the mighty Name of Jesus Christ." 16. In the Name of Jesus Christ, I hold the blood of Jesus Christ, the fire of God, against all Unclean Spirits and Mental Attacks, Intrusive thoughts, Python spirits, marine Spirits, Spirits blocking revelation, understanding, and God's wisdom, Wicked and Religious Spirits, Leviathan spirits of pride, Negative Emotions and Personality Disorders, Abusing spirits, Evil soul ties and evil covenants, Bipolar and multiple personalities disorders,Satanism,Schizophrenia, Insanity, Psychotic disorders, Mood disorders, Autism spectrum,ADHD,Intellectual disability, Antisocial personality disorder, Narcissistic personality disorder, Dementia, Traumatic brain injury, Substance use disorders, Dissociative disorders, Stress disorders, Delusional disorders,Hallucinations,Anxiety disorders, Panic disorders,PTSD,Social anxiety disorders ,Nervous disorders, Dissociative disorders, Disruptive behaviour, OCD.I pray for protection, deliverance, and healing from these conditions, in the Name of Jesus Christ. 17. I stand against and rebuke the following in the Name of Jesus Christ and by the Authority of Jess Christ. Lying, exaggeration, deception, and misleading others Unkind language, malicious speech, slander, gossip, and backbiting Negativity, idle chatter, bickering, detraction, and harsh attacks Flattery, boasting, and manipulation Cursing, insulting, criticizing, and insolent speech Foul, rotten, unwholesome, and perverse language Grumbling, discontentment, and promise-breaking Busybody and meddling behaviour Disunity, division, and stirring up strife Evil reports, false witness, and idle words Foolish, controlling, and quick-tempered speech Pride, spite, profanity, and sinful language Envy, covetousness, and ego-centred speech Error, self-exaltation, judgmentalism, and impatience Pharisaic and suspicious behaviour Entitlement, frustration, cheating, and condemnation Unforgiveness, abuse, and filthy language Lewdness, bondage, sadism, defilement, and promiscuity Trauma, heaviness, neglect, rejection, ridicule, and woundedness Unforgiveness and the spirit of death I hold the blood of Jesus Christ, Fire of God against these things, and I pray for cleansing, healing, and restoration in the Name of Jesus. 18. In the Name of Jesus Christ, I hold the blood of Jesus Christ and the fire of God against: Spiritual Strongholds, Evil possessiveness, False compassion and love, Cruelty, Addictions (alcohol, smoking, drugs, etc.), Retaliation, Lust and sexual sins, Evil dreams and visions, Resentment, Unbelief, Repulsiveness, Insults, Selfishness, Gambling, Distrust, Overspending, Toxic tongue. I hold the blood of Jesus Christ, Fire of God against All financial problems, Loans and debts, Overspending, Unpaid bills, Lack of income, Joblessness and job loss, Unnecessary spending, Repairs, Scammers, liars, and cheaters, Unpaid mortgages, Low salaries, unexpected expenses, Lack of money in banks, financial hardship and difficulties. May the blood of Jesus Christ and the fire of God protect me and my loved ones from these spiritual strongholds and financial challenges. May we be filled with God's love, Blessings, favours, wisdom, and provision. In Jesus' Name, Amen.


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