Prayer for Married Couples/ Prayer for Husband/ Spouse

1.Heavenly father, I plead the Blood of Jesus Christ over my Husband----‘s Love, care and attention towards me in Jesus Mighty Name. 2. Heavenly Father, I plead the Blood of Jesus Christ over my husband’s body, mind, soul and heart and every communication with me in Jesus Mighty Name. 3. I plead the blood of Jesus Christ over my husband---‘s understanding, trust, faith, harmony, sympathy, compassion towards me in Jesus Mighty Name. 4. I plead the Blood of Jesus Christ over my marriage with--------in Jesus Mighty name and on our relationship In Jesus Mighty Name. 5. I plead the Blood of Jesus Christ against all primiparity’s, powers, authorities, all human agents, wickedness, dominions, world powers and world rulers, strongholds and strong men, evil soul ties coming against me, against my husband ------ and against our marriage in Jesus Mighty Name. 6. I plead the blood of Jesus Christ against every self-righteousness, selfish attitudes, ungodly evil behavior, every ungodly advice and influences, every satanic and demonic powers , every foreign powers that is manipulating my husband---------every evil spirit of unforgiveness, hatred, misunderstanding, spiritual blockages ,delays, anger, bitterness, abuses that is poisoning my husband -------in Jesus Mighty Name. 7. I plead the Blood of Jesus Christ against all the curses of divorce, distance and separation ,singleness and loneliness, all marital failure, every spirit of temptation, guilt, every evil communication, every spirit of marital vows breaking, every spirit of witchcraft and occult practices, every spirit of mind control and manipulation and authority that is working against me, my marriage with----and my husband__in Jesus Mighty Name. 8. I plead the Blood of Jesus Christ on my husband -------S love, patience, peace, unity, intimacy, truth, forgiveness towards me in Jesus Mighty Name. 9. I plead the Blood of Jesus Christ on my husband _’s bond and marriage with me in Jesus Mighty Name. 10. I plead the Blood of Jesus Christ against Satan’s work and his plans against my marriage with my husband ---------in Jesus Mighty Name. 11. I plead the Blood of Jesus Christ on every stumbling block, hindrances, power, any impossibilities, any problem manifesting that is forbidding, delaying, preventing my husband---------to come and join me and to stay and live together with me in Jesus Mighty Name. 12.I plead the Blood of Jesus Christ against physical, emotion temptation, and spiritual oppression, demonic attacks that is attacking me and my husband-------in Jesus Mighty name. 13. I plead the Blood of Jesus Christ against every evil counsel and advice and people that is trying to keep my husband------- away from me in Jesus Mighty name. Amen 14. I plead the Blood of Jesus Christ over my husband ---‘s happiness with me in Jesus Mighty Name. 15. I plead the Blood of Jesus Christ against all the regrets, sorrows, dissatisfactions, sorrow that is attacking my husband about me in Jesus Mighty Name. 14.I plead the Blood of Jesus Christ against every type of sins, curses, generational curses, hereditary sickness, marital curses, spirit of shame and destruction that is coming against me and my husband-------and on our marriage with each other in Jesus Mighty Name. 15. I plead the Blood of Jesus Christ against every evil habit, every spirit of lies and deception, every evil advise, every evil friendships or relatives, every stubbornness or stronghold, every power and authority that my husband---------is listening to in Jesus Mighty Name. 16. I plead the Blood of Jesus Christ against every evil power, troubles, every confusion, every authority that is attacking and encamping against my marriage with my husband—in Jesus Powerful Name. 17.Every bad and negative thoughts occupying my mind, my husband---‘s mind, I flush it out with the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ in Jesus Mighty Name. 18.Every evil unclean thought, every spirit of depression, sickness, every spirit of manipulations, every ungodly covenants and vows that is attacking me and my husband ---I destroy it by the Blood of Jesus Christ in Jesus powerful name. Amen 19.I plead the Blood of Jesus Christ over ----------vehicle, room, wherever he goes and comes, in his workplace, on his finances, on his stubborn and stagnant problems, on his health in Jesus Mighty Name. 20. I plead the Blood of Jesus Christ on every power that is controlling ----------forbidding, preventing ,delaying and blocking -------, Every spirit and authority and dominion that is causing hindrance to ---------every evil power that is attacking --------to come to us ,to our family be destroyed and cancelled in the Mighty name if Jesus Christ and I release him from all the evil grips and bondage in Jesus Mighty Name. 21. I plead the Blood of Jesus Christ against every evil monitoring spirits that is watching ------freedom and movement destroy them by the Power of the blood of Jesus Christ and in Jesus Christ Name. 22. I plead the Blood of Jesus Christ against ---------.-----------and any ----------- or any ---------that is trying to destroy--------- relation with me and Kids I put the blood of Jesus Christ against them and destroy the Power upon ----------and on me in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen 23. I plead the Blood of Jesus Christ against every spirit of death, sickness accidents, and breakdown, every spirit of poverty, tragedy any problems attacking ----------------in Jesus Mighty Name. 24. Heavenly Father, In the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ and by the power of Blood of Jesus Christ and by the Power of the Holy Spirit. I come before you today to strength my husband---------- s Love, care and attention towards me, make us compatible towards each other and bring us closer to each other in mind, body, soul and heart. 25. In the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ and by the power of Blood of Jesus Christ and by the Power of the Holy Spirit and by the power of God’s word and Gods authority I confess that Unity from God, come forth in my relationship with my husband ____in Jesus’ name! Love of God come forth in my relationship with my husband ____ in Jesus’ name! Restoration from God come forth in my relationship with------in Jesus’ name! Forgiveness from God come forth in my relationship with my husband ____ in Jesus’ name! 26. In the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ and by the power of Blood of Jesus Christ and by the Power of the Holy Spirit and by the power of God’s word and Gods authority I confess in Jesus Name that our marriage is blessed by God. My husband loves me as Christ loved the Church. We bind ourselves together — for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part, according to Gods holy ordinance. Lord, I thank you for perfect harmony within my marriage. I declare and decree that the evil spirits of confusion, discord, discontentment, disharmony, bitterness, anger, adultery, and un-forgiveness do not have any place in our marriage. I declare this in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. I declare and decree that only the peace of God, the anointing of God and the Spirit of God dwells in our home and in our marriage. I say that every door is closed to the enemy. You are NOT Permitted or Allowed in this marriage! 27. I decree that Satan will not kill steal, or destroy our marriage, our divine union and no weapon formed against our marriage union will prosper and Heavenly Father, in the Name of Jesus Christ, I ask right now that You would bring me and my husband---- back together into unity and agreement, in Christ Jesus and in every godly way. 28.Let all powers, troubles, marital failures, encamping against my marriage, against my home, against my entire family line, against our marital union become confuse and scattered in the name of Jesus. Let our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ give life to our marriage in Jesus mighty name. Amen 29. In the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ and by the power of Blood of Jesus Christ and by the Power of the Holy Spirit and by the power of God’s word and Gods authority I remove and cancel every habit, every friendship or every people or custom or tradition ,every lies, wrong thinking, every wrong priorities and any work or circumstance or stubbornness or stronghold that is bringing a separation into our marriage, separation or distance between me and my husband in the name of Jesus Christ. And I command the blessings of God upon my marriage, in the name of Jesus Christ. 30. In the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ and by the power of Blood of Jesus Christ and by the Power of the Holy Spirit and by the power of God’s word, I confess, claim and declare that God will protect me and my husband-------- from rogue and deceptive thoughts about each other and that our every thought about each other are brought under the captive of Jesus Christ. I declare my husband will act as Jesus daily leading me well and giving himself up for me and prioritizing me in his life. 31. In the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ and by the power of Blood of Jesus Christ and by the Power of the Holy Spirit. I declare and claim that I and my husband----- love each other and will live together in harmony with sympathy, compassion and humility, and that we inherit blessings because we do not return evil for evil or insults for insults but respond with blessings instead. 32. In the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ and by the power of Blood of Jesus Christ and by the Power of the Holy Spirit and by the Power of God’s word, I claim my marriage is divinely blessed by God, Gods blessings and favor is upon me and my husband------. My husband----- and is tender, warm with true love, understanding, compassion, protective towards me. 33. In the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ and by the power of Blood of Jesus Christ and by the Power of the Holy Spirit and by the power of God’s word I bind, break and cancel and release myself, my marriage and my husband ------from all the principalities,powers,wickedness,dominions,world rulers,strongmen,every spirit of separation and distance, every power of curses, self-righteous and selfish attitudes every spirit of bad and ungodly advice and influences, Every Satanic and demonic, Every foreign power that’s manipulating, the evil spirit of unforgiveness, hatred, every spirit of misunderstandings ,spiritual blockages, anger, bitterness, and abuse that is poisoning our minds and relationship, all Satanic forces, every spirit of evil soul ties and bondages, all curses of divorce and separation, Every spirit of singleness and loneliness, all marital failure, every evil temptation, every evil communication, every spirit of marital vows breaking, every spirit of self-righteous and selfish attitudes, every spirit of hindrance witchcraft control, every human power ,every spirit of mind control and authority that is working against me ,my marriage and my husband--------- . 34. In the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ and by the power of Blood of Jesus Christ and by the Power of the Holy Spirit and by the power of God’s word, I claim and declare that my marriage is filled with true love, understanding truth, forgiveness, patience, peace, unity, intimacy and unbreakable bond with each other in our marriage. 35. In the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ and by the power of Blood of Jesus Christ and by the Power of the Holy Spirit and by the power of God’s word I claim and declare that My husband ---is very loving, caring affectionate, compassionate, he pays attention towards me in all things and will join me and we will live and stay together forever and he communicates with me every day and night with much love and concern and we have both spiritual and physical intimacy in our marriage and we have a unbreakable bond with each other and our Journey together is filled with Gods mercy and Glory and we are bonded together forever. 36. In the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ and by the power of Blood of Jesus Christ and by the Power of the Holy Spirit and by the power of God’s word I bind, break and cancel Satan’s work in our lives and destroy his plans against our marriage and against our loving relationship in Jesus Name, Amen. 37. In the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ and by the power of Blood of Jesus Christ and by the Power of the Holy Spirit and by the power of God’s word I bind, break and cancel the spirit of separation, that wants to keep us apart from one another. I confess, claim and declare that my marriage with--------is filled with true love, truth, spirit of patience, trust and forgiveness, unity and intimacy right now be released in our relationship in the Name of The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit, Amen. I pray that You will bring us into closer fellowship with You. Help us to place You at the center of our marriage, rather than each other’s faults and downfalls. Amen. 38. In the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ and by the power of Blood of Jesus Christ and by the Power of the Holy Spirit and by the power of God’s word I take authority over every foreign power that’s manipulating our marriage, every problem, obstacles and every hindrance, every blockage and barriers that is causing between me and my husband ---- through any bad and ungodly advice or false teachings , from every spiritual attacks and manipulation, every demonic manipulation, from every negative emotions and pronouncements from every evil spirit of unforgiveness, hatred, anger, bitterness, and abuse that is poisoning our minds and relationship I cancel it and destroy it By the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ. 39.Father, in the name of Jesus, I bind the work of Satan from my marriage. I take authority over all plans and attacks of Satan and bind all spirits of bitterness, wrath, anger, and slander, pointing the finger, blame, along with every form of malice. Let every evil spiritual marriage with spirit husband / wife be divorced, stolen love, in the name of Jesus. I break all curses of divorce and separation off of ourselves in our marriage. Lord Jesus, you have declared that what therefore God has joined together, let no man separate. I plead with you to save and strengthen my marriage with my husband In Jesus name. 40.In the name of Jesus Christ, I bind all Satanic forces that would try to come against me and my marriage with my husband------- and our restoration and joy of my marriage. I destroy anything that is going to stand between me and my prayers now, in the Powerful name of Jesus Christ. 41.Angels of God, go right away and disconnect any relationship between my husband--- and the strange woman, in Jesus Powerful Name. Blood of Jesus Christ and breathe of God give a new life to me and my husband and our marriage in the name of Jesus. 42.God has joined me and my husband ---- together, Let no one or no Power or authority or no stumbling Block separate me and my husband from each other in the name of Jesus Christ. God’s name will be exalted in in marriage God will have his perfect will and way in my marriage. I confess and declare that God will protect me and my husband-------- from physical and emotional temptation, from spiritual oppression that would harm our marriage. 43. Father, In the Name of Jesus Christ I confess and declare that I and my husband are God's chosen, Gods presence is evident in our marriage and in our Home and we are holy, and dearly loved and we clothe ourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience towards each other. 44. In the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ and by the power of Blood of Jesus Christ and by the Power of the Holy Spirit and by the power of God’s word, I confess, claim and declare that I and My husband will not walk in the counsel of the wicked, stand in the way of sinners, or sit with those who mock God. We Pray together and we l delight in the law of the Lord, meditate on it day and night. And I claim and declare that my husband is quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to anger. He control his tongues and speak words that encourage and buildup each other in our marriage and speaks the truth in love. I claim and declare that my husband----- will never be away from me, will never forsake me and will never forget me and will never break heart with me. He will live and stay with me with love and total happiness forever without any regrets. In the Powerful Name of Jesus Christ. I claim and declare that I and my husband will not grieve the Holy Spirit by speaking or acting harmfully to each other and we both will honor our vows and our marriage, and our marriage bed will never be affected by sexual sins. I declare that our marriage will always honour God and we will never bring shame or harm to the Body of Christ In Jesus Powerful Name and by the Blood of Jesus Christ. 45. I declare by Gods word that God will continually give me and my husband----- the Spirit of wisdom and revelation so that Gods will be done for our marriage and we will constantly seek the filling of God’s Holy Spirit by continually submitting to each other out of your mutual reverence for Christ. We reflect on things that are true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, or praiseworthy. 46. In the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ and by the power of Blood of Jesus Christ and by the Power of the Holy Spirit and by the power of God’s word, I confess, claim and declare that our marriage is built on the foundation of God’s Word and will easily prevail through the storms of life and God will reveal his good plans for our marriage and that he will give us a future and a hope to be together forever. 47. In the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ and by the power of Blood of Jesus Christ and by the Power of the Holy Spirit and by the power of God’s word, I confess, claim and declare that I and my husband will fulfill all marital duties to each other and will not deprive each other sexually, because our bodies do not belong to ourselves but to each other. I declare that the fruit of God’s Holy Spirit—love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control—will be very evident in our marriage. 48. In the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ and by the power of Blood of Jesus Christ and by the Power of the Holy Spirit and by the power of God’s word, I confess, claim and declare that God will be the chief architect and builder of your home and that he and his angels will watch over and protect your marriage and Lord God will bless and keep me and my husband together and that he would make his face shine upon us and be gracious to us and that he would turn his face toward us and give us peace.


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