Did Catholic Church added 7 books to the Bible?

Did Catholic Church added 7 books to the Bible? The true church was founded by Christ which is the Holy Catholic Church. Christ entrusted the Church to Peter and not to Martin Luther to divide. Martin Luther, Calvin, Henry protested against Catholic church and brought division among the church. The protestant reformation from catholic church can be traced back to 16th century. Based on their teachings, in 1517 Martin Luther of Germany named his denomination as Lutheran Denomination, Henry VIII of England in 1534 named his denomination as Anglican, John Calvin of Switzerland founded Calvinism etc. and now there are many churches which are divided into macro and micro denominations. Every 38,000 plus denominations among protestants claim that they are truly bible based and each denomination claims correct interpretation and more correct than other denominations and they cannot agree with other denominations. Even after 1000s of years we still have one Holy catholic and Apostolic church. Catholic Church, the True Church founded by Jesus Christ Himself in Matthew 16: 18, Confirmed by the Apostles in Mt 28: 18-20, the Catholic Church was Built on Simon Peter in Mt 16: 18, and was defended by God Himself in Mt 16: 18-19 and guided by the Holy Spirit who will dwells within it. Catholic simply means “universal” or “worldwide.” The early Church Fathers used Greek word katholikos. Protestants are the protestors of the only Holy True Catholic Church. It was the Catholic Church who put together the different books of the Bible, guided by the Holy Spirit. Catholics did not add any 7 books to the Bible. They were removed during the Protestant Reformation by Martin Luther who disagreed with the concepts such as purgatory and other issues which supports Catholic doctrine. Martin Luther is the Father of the Reformation. Some sections that are in Daniel and Esther in the Catholic Bible are not present in the Protestant Bible. 46 books of the Old Testament, which include the 7 books (1 and 2 Maccabees, Sirach, Wisdom, Baruch, Tobit, and Judith) were in the first manuscripts, and in the first Bibles for the first 1500 years of the Church. The canon of Scripture was determined by the Catholic Church initially in the 4th century, and later was agreed by numerous church councils. Saints, bishops, Popes and the Council of Florence (1442 A.D.) affirmed the list and established canon of books. This list of 7 books which we call deuterocanonical books is challenged and rejected by Martin Luther. Hence the first protestant bible was formed by throwing the 7 books in 1500s which martin mislabeled these books as Apocryphal. Many Catholics who do not know the history of Catholic church and church Fathers, also believe that Catholic Church added extra books. Martin Luther didn’t like the teachings that supported Catholic doctrines. He opposed the doctrine of Purgatory in his famous "Ninety-Five Thesis," and so any Scripture passage that could be interpreted to support this doctrine was eliminated by Martin Luther because 2nd book of Maccabees 12:44-46, were being used to refer the Catholic teaching on Purgatory. He also took chapters out of Esther and Daniel and moved them into these same apocrypha section. Protestants call these seven books as apocryphal, meaning that they are not part of the canon of the Bible. During Jesus time, there were several different groups of Jews with different lists of their Scriptures: The Samaritans and Sadducees accepted the law but rejected the prophets and writings. The Pharisees accepted all three. Some Jews used the Greek version called the Septuagint. This is the list that the Catholic Church uses. The early Christian Church Fathers accepted the deuterocanonical books as inspired and most of the New Testament writers quoted from the Septuagint ,and it was used and accepted .The Council of Jamnia removed those 7 books because Jamnia was a Jewish council not a Christian. The Jews decided to revise the canon of the Old Testament and wanted to remove references that would be useful to Christians. All Christian Bibles for the next 1100 years had all 73 books. The Septuagint is the Old Testament translation into Greek from Hebrew, which the Jews completed at Alexandria in the second century B.C., which had all 46 books including the Deuterocanonical. The Catholic Bible contains all the books that have traditionally been accepted by Christians since the Canon of Scripture was recognized by the Synod of Rome in 382. The Catholic Church defined this canon of Scripture early and very early Pope Damascus convoked a Synod in 382 and defined the Canon of Sacred Scripture as the Catholic Church recognizes it today. Catholic church holds that ultimate Authority resides with the Pope. The Scriptures, along with Church Tradition, along with Great Councils was accepted by and interpreted by the Pope through the Holy Spirit. God forbids private interpretation (2Pet 1:20-21). If 38,000 plus denominations are guided by holy spirit and why there are so many divisions because Holy Spirit is one and baptism is one and the Church is one. Does God call all these preachers of 33,000 plus denominations, and then cause them to preach conflicting and contradictory doctrines? John 17:20-23 and 1 Corinthians 1:10-13 teach that he does not. Denominations do nothing more than creating doubt to the minds of unbelievers. These people claim to obey the Bible, obey the gospel, obey the truth, yet they cause divisions among brothers and teach hatred towards the Holy Catholic Church. Don’t we think protestants are disobeying Hebrews 13:17 which says, “Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves: for they watch for your souls, as they that must give account, that they may do it with joy, and not with grief: for that is unprofitable for you”. Some of the verse references are found in Deuterocanonical books of the Old testament which Protestant Bible have rejected. Few example of those verses are: 1. 1Pet 1:6-7, "...gold which is tried by fire..." found in Wisdom 3:5-6. 2. John 14:23, "...If anyone love Me, he will keep My word..." found in Sirach 2:18. 3. 1Cor 6:13, "...food for the belly and belly for food..." Similarly found in Sirach 36:20 4.1Cor 10:9-10, "...perished by serpents and destroyed by the destroyer." Similarly found in Judith 8:24-25. 5. Rev 21:18, "And the material of its wall was jasper; but the city itself was pure gold, like pure glass." Similarly found in Tobit 13:21. Catholic Church is the one True Church, undivided, one-fold and one shepherd and it is the only Church with Apostolic authority that has been passed down in unbroken succession through Pope, Bishops of the Church for almost 2000 years. It is the Church Jesus commanded Simon Peter to strengthen his brethren in Luke 22: 31-32and it is the Church Where Pope, Priests, Bishops, and Deacons are the lawful successors of the Apostles.


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