
Showing posts from May, 2018

Flee from Lust and Flirting!

Lust and temptation is a choice and it has various forms. Many people have destroyed their marriage, families and their reputation because of lust, adultery, flirting and extra marital affairs. Of the seven deadly sins, lust is the most shameful. Lust is a problem because it perverts godliness, corrupts our soul, our virtues and holiness. The lust of the flesh is contrary to the desire to do the will of God. Not everyone gets tempted in the world. People who are according to the flesh, who are worldly set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who are according to the Spirit of God which is Holy Spirit fix their eyes on the things of the Spirit. For the mind set on the flesh is always brings death, but the mind set on the Spirit is always life and peace. Paul instructs us in Romans 13:11-14 to “put on the Lord Jesus Christ and make no provision for the flesh. Lust maintains power over us only when we submit to its worldly desires. God commands us to have our hearts to ha

Did Catholic Church added 7 books to the Bible?

Did Catholic Church added 7 books to the Bible? The true church was founded by Christ which is the Holy Catholic Church. Christ entrusted the Church to Peter and not to Martin Luther to divide. Martin Luther, Calvin, Henry protested against Catholic church and brought division among the church. The protestant reformation from catholic church can be traced back to 16th century. Based on their teachings, in 1517 Martin Luther of Germany named his denomination as Lutheran Denomination, Henry VIII of England in 1534 named his denomination as Anglican, John Calvin of Switzerland founded Calvinism etc. and now there are many churches which are divided into macro and micro denominations. Every 38,000 plus denominations among protestants claim that they are truly bible based and each denomination claims correct interpretation and more correct than other denominations and they cannot agree with other denominations. Even after 1000s of years we still have one Holy catholic and Apostolic church.